Christianity Explored is an opportunity for your Gospel Community to go through the book of Mark with unbelievers in a way that is engaging and plainly lays out the gospel using a video/discussion format.  It gives people time to think about the big questions of life as they explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.   View Episode 1 here.

As people watch the videos, get to know Christians, ask questions and look at the Gospel of Mark together, they'll discover who Jesus is, what he achieved, and how he calls us to respond. Christianity Explored helps people discover the best news they've ever heard.

It is possible to run this course virtually and here is a helpful video on how to do that. Even if you are running the course in person, this video would be valuable for you in observing how this particular instructor runs his course.

The Leader's Kit contains everything you need to run the 7-session Christianity Explored course and will help...

The Leader kit includes...