When: Aug/Early Sept
Deadline: Fall Leader Launch
Prior to the Leader Launch, answer the following questions with your Gospel Community. Some Gospel Communities meet together to discuss these questions. Others do it virtually or via email. Do what works best for your members.
Bring this plan to the September Launch. This information will help us serve others who desire to get connected into Gospel Community.
If you have not received an email with the link to the Launch, please contact Jenny Andrus at [email protected].
What day and time (start and end) will we meet?
It works best to keep to a fixed day and time each week (e.g., every Wednesday at 6:30p-8:00p). These items will provide clarity for members’ commitment.
What is our monthly rhythm of meeting?
Ideally meet 3-4 times a month (minimum 2 times). Meet all together, just guys/girls, or some hybrid of both.
Do you have a coleader? If so, who is it?
What content will we discuss?
Lots of groups use Sermon Discussion Questions or the Swedish Method. Other methods can be found here on the Discussion tab. Let me really encourage you to use a sermon based discussion method (either application questions or the Swedish method). It’s a great way to stay centered on the Bible, in sync with our weekly preaching, and allow the text to permeate and guide discussion. And, it requires no homework and is pretty simple to prepare for each week as the leader.
Will we be open to adding new people?
Ideally, your Gospel Community would be open to visitors and potential new members. But we understand that occasionally a group is closed for capacity or season of life reasons.
Are you committed to this group and plan for the next year?
A formal commitment honors a member's annual commitment to the Gospel Community by providing a clear point to offboard/onboard. Members choose to:
[1] continue with Gospel Community or
[2] transition to: (a) multiply a new Gospel Community, (b) join another existing Gospel Community or (c) not be in a Gospel Community.
Who in your group has committed to this plan?
List first and last names.