As a default, we'd encourage Gospel Communities to discuss the sermon text using the Swedish Method as discussed in the article Two Simple Frameworks for Bible Reading listed below. It’s a great way to stay founded on the Bible, in sync with our weekly preaching, and allow the text to permeate our life. Read the article(s) below for more explanation.
Other content options include using Sermon Discussion Questions Christianity Explored, The Gospel-Centered Life, and The Gospel-Centered Community. There may be other books or books of the Bible that can be considered. If you'd like to talk through options you're considering, please contact Josh Mathews.
By David Helm and Tony Payne
This article explains the Swedish Method and the COMA Method of scripture discussion.
<aside> ©️ Borrowed with permission from Mathias Media. The Small Group and The Vine by Tony Payne and Marty Sweeney (2018. 37)
Two Simple Frameworks for Bible Reading.pdf
Keep clicking on the sermon, and you will eventually get to the questions.